Episode 81

Published on:

12th Aug 2022

The Greatest Prophet

The Scriptures contain conflicting ideas about the coming of Messiah; one version says Messiah will come and be the King of Israel; the opposing version is that the Messiah will come meek and lowly riding on a donkey. Why this conflict? Why did the people of Israel miss the identity of the greatest prophet and the Messiah?

Why did Jesus call John the Baptist the greatest prophet born of a woman? Why was Jesus rejected by the people of Israel? "...God said, ‘Surely they'll reverence my Son." What happened? The wickedness of mankind surprises God.  


Chapter 22: Jesus Answers John the Baptist Regarding His Identity

JOHN THE BAPTIST was in prison, but he heard about the works of Jesus. He called two of his disciples and told them to go to Jesus and ask:

"Art thou he that should come? Or look we for another?"

They found Jesus and said to him:

"John Baptist has sent us unto thee, saying, 'Art thou he that should come? Or look we for another?"

While the two disciples of John were with him Jesus healed many who were inform, many who were suffering with plagues, and others who were filled with evil spirits; also, to many that were blind he gave sight.

Then Jesus said unto the disciples:

"Go and show John again those things which ye do hear and see: the blind receive their sight, and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me."


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About the Podcast

Words of Jesus Podcast
Think Red Ink Ministries
Hello, I'm Don C. Harris of Think Red Ink Ministries.
Welcome to the Words of Jesus Podcast. This series is based on Jesus - His life, His friends, His ministry and His relationship with His Father as recorded in the four gospels.
Together, we will delve into mysteries that have been hidden; not from us, but for us - in "The Words of Jesus."
My goal is to reinforce Christianity with the wisdom and words of Jesus; which, incidentally, are recorded in red ink in your Bible. Do you know what Jesus said? What Jesus did? What Jesus said to do?
I want to hear from you. Tell me who you are, where you are from and how you are listening to this broadcast. Write to Don@ThinkRedInk.com. Send your questions or comments, as well.
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Don Harris

Hello, I'm Don C. Harris of Think Red Ink Ministries.
Welcome to the Words of Jesus Podcast. This series is based on Jesus - His life, His friends, His ministry and His relationship with His Father as recorded in the four gospels.
Together, we will delve into mysteries that have been hidden; not from us, but for us - in "The Words of Jesus."
My goal is to reinforce Christianity with the wisdom and words of Jesus; which, incidentally, are recorded in red ink in your Bible. Do you know what Jesus said? What Jesus did? What Jesus said to do?
I want to hear from you. Tell me who you are, where you are from and how you are listening to this broadcast. Write to Don@ThinkRedInk.com. Send your questions or comments, as well.